Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So Sunday was 9/11. A tragic day that happened 10 years ago. I watched the news coverage of the memorial and just got this sadness about me.. then I looked down and saw Gingy curled up looking cute as ever! That really brighten up my day.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th and all that Jazz

So yep it's been awhile.. I dunno if anyone is still following us but if so, the girls are doing great!. Even though they fight from time to time.. they still love each other as sisters should. ;) They are still overweight kitties. Their last vet appointment both at 13lbs. So Ginger gained alittle bit more and Meggie basically stayed the same. We for the most part, keep them consistent with their food. So I'm not sure what we need to do for them to lose weight. We are trying to get them to play more and run around instead of sleeping all the time. LOL.

Lately, they are waking us up at 5:00am in the morning to start begging for food. Especially Meggie! She is very persistent and meows and head butts you until you cant' take it anymore and get up to go feed them. Ginger is alittle bit more considerate until she can't take it anymore and start meowing too.

Still love them to death. They are my girls. : )

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year!

Hi. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's a brand new year and the girls are doing great. Our new year resolution is to...... lose weight. Yep, the girls are alittle on the big side. So the doctor recommend that they need to lose some pounds. Currently, Meggie is 13lbs. Yes, 13! Megs likes to eat. And Ginger is 12.5 lbs. The vet said they need to be around 11lbs. So our goal before June is to lose some weight. I've been trying to be deligent about their food and how much portions. It's tuff when they are meowing at you, begging for food. :(

Our family wish you and your family and wonderful new year.